We will email order status updates to the email address you provide at check-out. Updates will include order confirmation, shipment confirmation and tracking details, as well as notification of any delays or requests for additional information.
We will email order status updates to the email address you provide at check-out. Updates will include order confirmation, shipment confirmation and tracking details, as well as notification of any delays or requests for additional information.
Regular orders may be canceled anytime prior to shipping. If you wish to cancel an order after shipping please refer to our Returns & Exchanges section for return instructions.
We regret that we are unable to refund shipping charges for items canceled once they have been shipped.
Special Orders and Custom Orders cannot be canceled once they have been placed into production.
if you're ordering a custom, bespoke piece of jewelry with ACFJ you have spent some time with us discussing the process, the delivery and managing your expectations.
Any bespoke order or any special request to change an existing design cannot be cancelled once the piece has been put in production. The 50% deposit will not be reimbursed as you have been given an estimate and design quotes for your project and work in modeling your piece in wax have already started.
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